Tears of a Hustler 2
Tears of a Hustler 2
Silk White
Copyright © 2008 by Silk White All rights reserved, therefore no part of this bookmay be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher.
This novel is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayedin this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are fiction.
Published by:
7311 W. Glass Lane
Laveen, AZ 85339
www.good2gopublishing.com myspace.com/silkwhite
ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James Brian@good2gopublishing.com Cover design: Davida Baldwin Edited by: M.S.Hunter
First and foremost, I would really like to thank God for blessing me with this gift. I would like to thank every Silk White fan out there. I truly appreciate your loyalty and patience. I hope you enjoy everything I put out.
Shout out to my homegirl Michelle Hunter for all your help and support, I appreciate it. Shout out to my man Tra Verdejo and the rest of the authors that show me luv… Ashley and Jaquavis, my man B. Jones, and shout to my man Ray and BJ. I want to thank my wife for putting up with me. Iknow I am a handful, so thank you.
Last but not least, a big shout out to all my brothers and sisters locked up behind the wall…keep ya head up and ya eyes open. It always gets greater later. They can’t keep a good person down for long!
www.good2gopublishing.com www.myspace.com/Silkwhite
Once Spanky was in the bathroom, Christie slowly peeled out of her dress and kicked off her heels. She walked freely around the house in nothing but her white thong. Her feet sunk into the plush carpet as she headed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of champagne. On her way back to the bedroom, she nosily placed her ear against the bathroom door. When she didn’t hear anything, she began to panic.
“Baby you okay in there?” She asked as she knocked lightly on the door.
Again, no answer came back. Christie quickly reached for the doorknob, only to find out it was locked.
“Baby stop playing around and open up the door,” she yelled in a worried tone.
Seconds later, Christie heard a single gun shot go off. Instantly, her heart leaped up into her throat. She quickly took three steps backwards and came forward with a hard lee kick, which busted the door wide open. She slowly melted down to her knees with her mouth hung wide open.
Spanky sat on top of the toilet seat with half of his brains painted on the wall behind him, while the other half rested on his shoulders.
“NOOOOOOO!” Christie screamed at the top of her lungs as she rested her head on Spanky’s lap.
“Why did you do this?” She asked herself over and over again as she just cried like a little baby. “Why?”
Christie took one last look at Spanky as she slowly made it back to her feet and headed back into the bedroom. She quickly snatched the cordless phone off the charger and dialed 911.
“911 can I help you?” The operator asked nonchalantly.
Yes, “I need an ambulance over here immediately! My husband just shot himself in the head,” Christie yelled out in a panic.
“Are you in the house alone?” The operator asked.
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Just get me a fucking ambulance over here now,” Christie barked into the phone, hanging up in the operator’s ear.
“Stupid bitch,” Christie said out loud as she made her way back to the bathroom.
“It’s me and you forever boo. I’ll always be here for you,” Christie whispered as she laid her head back on Spanky’s lap.
Thirty minutes later, Christie heard the paramedics banging at the door.
Christie took one last look at Spanky and wiped her eyes as she stood up to answer the door. She quickly rushed to the door even though she knew Spanky was already dead.
The paramedics quickly rushed into the house hoping to save the gunshot victim, but when they reached the victim, they knew they were too late.
Christie couldn’t believe what had just happened. A million questions were running through her mind. “Should I have told Spanky about Ali being arrested? Should I havegone in the bathroom with him to comfort him? Is there anything I could have done to prevent this?” She continued to ask herself as the salty tears streamed down her face.
“Just One of Those Days”
G-money sat up in bed recovering from his gunshot wound with Coco lying right next to him.
“Baby can I get you anything?” Coco asked, sensing her man was in pain.
“Yeah get me a glass of water so I can take these pain killers.”
When Coco returned from the kitchen carrying a glass of water, she and G-money both looked on in shock as the reporter interrupted their program.
“Breaking news, the boxer Shawn “Spanky” Martin seems to have committed suicide after losing his title fight last night against James “The Terminator” Johnson. Detectives are still on the scene. We will have more on this story coming up later on the morning news.”
“Hell naw,” G-money said. “I know that wasn’t my nigga on the news,” he said, not wanting to believe what he just heard.
“You need anything?” Coco asked as she wiggled in her jeans and threw her hair in a ponytail.
“No I’m good, where you going?”
“I have to get down to the hospital, so I can be there to support Christie,” Coco said, as her eyes started to water.
“Fuck!” G-money cursed loudly. “What else can go wrong?” He asked in a defeated tone. “First I got shot, Ali gets locked up, Spanky kills himself, and on top of all that, I ain’t making no money because I don’t even have a fucking connect!”
“Don’t worry baby. Once your wounds heal up, youare going to get it all together,” Coco said as she kissed G-money on his forehead. “You just take this time and get yourrest so when you come back, you can come back strong.”
“Thanks boo; you always seem to cheer me up.”
“That’s my job,” Coco replied with a smile. “I’m out baby; call me if you need me.”
“A’ight, make sure you lock that door,” G-money yelled out as he grabbed his .45 from under the pillow andsat it within arms reach just in case.
When Coco arrived at the hospital, it was a circus. There were men and reporters all over the place. Some people would just do anything to get a story.
When Coco finally made it to the waiting area, she saw Christie sitting in the corner with her face buried in her hands. She sat down next to Christie and gently began to rub the lower part of her back. “I’m here for you girl,” she whispered.
“I shouldn’t have told him about Ali,” Christiesaid in between sobs. “It’s all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault. Sometimes shit just happens. This could of happened to any one of us,” Coco said sincerely. Seconds later, Freddie stormed up in the hospital crying like a baby. “I knew I should of rode in the limo with ya’ll! Something in my heart was telling me not to let ya’ll leave alone!”
“It’s not either one of ya’lls fault,” Coco stated plainly, tired of hearing the two, blame each other for something neither one of them could stop.
“Girl you know you can come stay with me and G-money until all this blows over if you want,” Coco offered.
hat’s okay, I think I’m gonna just stay in a hotel for a couple of days and get my mind together,” Christie said emotionlessly as she headed for the exit.
Coco made sure Christie and Freddie made it to their vehicles safely before she headed back home. For the entire ride home, Coco prayed out loud for Christie and Freddie. She could only imagine what the two were going through.
“Sometimes it takes something to happen to someone close to you for you to see how blessed you are,” Coco thought as she pulled up in her drive way.
When she stepped foot in the bedroom, she saw Gmoney laying in the bed watching a re-run of “Flavor of Love.”
“Hey baby, how’s Christie holding up?” He asked dryly.
“She’s taking it kind of hard, but she’s going to be alright,” Coco replied as she slid out of her clothes and slid in the bed butt naked and curled up next to G-money, where she soon fell asleep.
“Bull Pin Therapy”
“On your feet dick head,” a red-necked officer barked loudly as he banged his nite stick against the bars on the cell.
Ali stood up and stared coldly at the officer. “You talking to me?”
“Whom else would I be talking to?” The officer capped back. “Put your fucking hands through these bars so I can cuff you dickhead.” He made sure he let his last words rolloff his tongue.
Ali thought about saying something slick back to the officer. But after the beat down the police gave him when they first brought him down to the station, he decided to bite his tongue and do what he was told.
Once Ali was cuffed, the officer roughly escorted him to the interrogation room. “Sit down and shut the fuckup,” the officer growled as he forcefully sat Ali down in the seat. Two minutes later, Detective Nelson strolled up in theinterrogation room puffing on a Winston.
“You have anything you want to tell me?” He asked with an evil smirk on his face.
Ali didn’t respond.
“Didn’t I tell you I was going to end your career?” Detective Nelson chuckled, blowing a cloud of smoke in Ali’s face. “After everything we’ve been through, I’m still going to try to help you,” he said as he placed a pen and pad in front of Ali. “We’re trying to build a federal case on your friend G-money. Help us and we’ll help you.”
Ali didn’t say a word. Instead, he just stared at the detective coldly.
“You’re looking at the death penalty. I think you might want to think about this,” Detective Nelson paused. “You and your girlfriend killed eight cops. I think you might want to take this deal,” Detective Nelson said as he made his exit, giving Ali time to think on it.
All Ali thought about was breaking Detective Nelson’s neck with his bare hands. Seconds later, Mr. Goldberg slowly entered the interrogation room. The look on Mr. Goldberg’s face told Ali all he needed to know.
“It’s that bad huh,” Ali chuckled.
“Yeah they talking about giving you and Nancy the death penalty,” Mr. Goldberg spoke in a soft voice.
“Write this down,” Ali said sliding the pen and note pad to his lawyer. “You tell’em I killed all of those cops and Nancy had nothing to do with any of this.”
“You know if you do that, it’s not going to be no trial because you basically confessing to all the murders,” Mr. Goldberg asked, making sure Ali knew what he was saying.
“Yeah I’ll do the time. You just make sure you get Nancy out of this shit hole, and try to get this death penalty dropped, you hear?”
“Will do, anything else?” Mr. Goldberg asked, feeling bad for his favorite client.
“Yeah make sure you let G-money know that Detective Nelson and the rest of these racist mufuckas are trying to build a federal case against him. So tell him to move a lilsmarter and quieter. Oh and tell him I found out who the snitch is.”
“Who is it?” Mr. Goldberg asked with open ears.
“Big Mel,” Ali answered with a frown.
“Don’t worry. I’ll deliver that message personally,” Mr. Goldberg said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Okay so I should have Nancy out of here in 48 hours.”
“Oh and can you bring me a few books so I can get my read on?”
“I’ll have them up here first thing in the morning. You stay strong you hear,” Mr. Goldberg said as he gaveAli a hug before he made his exit.
Once Mr. Goldberg made his exit, Detective Nelson reappeared in the interrogation room. “Change your mind yet?” He asked with an evil smirk on his face.
“I would like to go back to my cell if that’s okay,” Ali said in bored tone.
“Why don’t you use your brain for once in your life? You think we won’t be able to build up a federal case on G-money by ourself? I’m trying to help you out. Give us everything on Gmoney and I’ll make sure you only have to do 15 years, maybe even 10,” Detective Nelson said, looking at Ali for an answer.
“You finished? Can I go back to my cell now?” Ali yawned.
“You a stupid motherfucker,” Detective Nelson growled as he stormed out of the interrogation room heated.
“The Good Life”
Rell sat in the living room of his baby mansion, along with Debo and Mad Dog. Rell’s crew had really took the streets over, especially since G-money didn’t have a connect and Ali was locked up. Things couldn’t of been better for him and his crew.
“I gotta give you your props,” Debo said, giving Rell a pound. “You shut Ali and G-money down. Nobody has been able to do that in almost 10 years.”
“I can’t take all the credit. Them niggaz was weak when we went to war with them. But the main thing is, we’re on top now and we have to stay on top. We have to stay hungry and most of all we have to keep the soldiers hungry,” Rell said, filling his glass up with Vodka. “You two are in charge of security. Make sure ya’ll keep shit tight. We can’t afford nofuck ups.”
“Don’t worry. We got everybody on their job,” Debo announced proudly. “Yo you heard about that nigga who we broke up in the parking lot a couple of months back?”
“Nah, what’s up with that chump?” Rell chuckled, thinking about how they assaulted the young man.
“That lil nigga blew his brains out the other night.” “Get the fuck outta here,” Rell said in disbelief.
“Nah, true story. I saw that shit on the news the other night too,” Mad Dog said, speaking for the first time.
“Only weak people kill themselves, so that means he deserved to be dead,” Rell said nonchalantly. “Butspeaking of death, I heard our friend Ali should be heading to the Island soon (Rikers Island). Mad Dog I need you to send the word out. Let mufuckas know I got 20 stacks for whoever putsa shank in that cocksucker.”
“Consider it done,” Mad Dog replied quickly.
“So boss, what you want us to do about Detective Nelson?” Debo asked.
“Nothing yet. We going to keep things going according to plan until that white boy tries his luck and goes against the grain,” Rell said in an even tone as he loaded hisP89, popped one in the chamber, and rested the firearm in his waistband. “Ya’ll strap up real quick.”
“Why what’s up?” Mad Dog asked excitedly, ready to put in some work.
“We gotta go meet up with this spaghetti eating mazurka, Frankie. That slick mufucka tryna raise his prices up since we making so much money. He must be crazy if he thinks I’m paying that shit,” Rell said out loud as the trio made their exit.
* * * * Skip pulled up into G-money’s driveway in his 2001 Expedition and beeped the horn five times. “This nigga always late,” he said to himself.
“You got everything you need?” Coco asked innocently. “Yeah I got everything,” G-money replied with a smile. “You be careful okay?”
“You know I am ma,” G-money said as he headed for the
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Coco said, clearing
her throat with a strange look on her face.
“Oh I’m sorry baby,” G-money said as he came back and
placed a soft k
iss on Coco’s lips.
“Thanks, but I was talking about this,” Coco said, holding
out a .380 in the palm of her hand.
“Oh shit, good looking out boo!” G-money said as he
stuck the .380 in his sling that hung around his neck and cradled
his arm, as he headed out the door.
“What’s good? How’s the shoulder holding up?” Skip
asked, backing out of the driveway.
“It still hurts a little bit, but fuck all that. What you doing
driving while you on the run?”
“Got me a fake I.D.,” Skip said calmly as he hopped on
the FDR drive.
“How’s it looking in the hood?”
“Slow,” Skip replied quickly, keeping his eyes on the
road. “Knowledge said he’s only pulling in about $500 a day.” “Damn that’s it?” G-money asked with a frown on his
“Yeah that nigga Rell locking shit down because he got
the best product out,” Skip said matter of fact.
“Who he getting his shit from, Frankie?’
“You know it,” Skip said, shooting G-money a private
“Fuck,” G-money cursed loudly. “I know it has to be
somebody out here with some pure uncut shit. We just not
looking in the right places.” He sucked his teeth.
“So what we going to do until we find this new connect?” “We gonna have to go O.T. (out of town) so we can
keep the money rolling in. Smell me? Get back on our old school
“You know I don’t give a fuck!” Skip said, as he pulled up
to the corner of the projects.
“Call that fool Knowledge and tell him to hurry up.” Skip dialed a number in his phone; spoke briefly, and
then hung up. “He said he is on his way now.”
Minutes later, G-money and Skip saw Knowledge
bopping towards the vehicle.
“Hurry the fuck up and stop trying to look cool,” Gmoney huffed.
“I’m not trying to look cool. I’m just naturallycool. You