Tears of a Hustler PT 1 Page 3
Chapter 5
“God damn,” Nancy said smugly on her hands and knees because with her face halfway in the toilet bowl. All day long Nancy had been feeling like shit. She woke up feeling like she had been partying all night long. “Damn this pregnant sickness shit is whack,” she said to herself as she heard somebody entering the apartment.
Nancy stuck her head out the bathroom, and saw Coco heading towards the kitchen. “Damn bitch you just now getting back in from last night?” “Yup,” Coco answered proudly. “And I thought I told you to be ready by eight o’clock?” “Sorry girl, but my stomach has been acting up all day,” Nancy replied rubbing her five month pregnant belly. “Well hurry up and get dress because tonight is your first night at work and I already told G-money we were coming.” “I don’t know about this,” Nancy said wanting to back out of the ugly situation that stood ahead of her. “It’s too late for all that cause I already told them we were coming. Now go get dress,” Coco said stuffing her mouth full of Ranch chips.
Nancy took a quick shower, and threw on some jeans and a tee shirt. “Come on, we gotta take a cab,” Coco stated plainly when the two finally made it outside. Coco told the cab driver to let them out two blocks away from the spot, so they wouldn’t draw any attention to themselves. Nancy took one look at the dirty looking building and wanted to do a 180. After walking up four flights of stairs, Coco did a special knock on the door that they were looking for.
“What’s the mother fucking password,” a deep voice boomed from the other side of the door. “Money over bitches,” Coco answered quickly. Seconds later Nancy heard a series of locks being unlocked. When the door swung open, a big man wearing a wife beater and a pair of sunglasses greeted the two women with his shotgun resting comfortably on his huge shoulder.
“What’s up Coco. Who’s the new girl,” the big man asked blocking the entrance. “What’s up Big Bruce. This my home girl, Nancy. Tonight’s her first night,” Coco said flirtatiously. “Hold up, let me double check this real quick,” Big Bruce said as he pulled out his cell phone and started dialing numbers. After a brief conversation, Big Bruce turned to Coco and said, “Sorry about that. I just had to check with G-money first to make sure every thing was every thing.” The big man then stepped aside so that the ladies could enter.
When Nancy entered the work area, she saw a room full of topless women bagging up the poison, while wearing latex gloves, and a mask to cover their nose and mouth.
“I don’t have to take my shirt off right,” Nancy asked innocently. Big Bruce’s roar of laughter was her answer. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but Ali’s orders are that workers be topless, and that includes you,” Big Bruce said wanting to see the pregnant goodies.
“Girl this is too much. I don’t know if I can do this,” Nancy whispered. “Damn,” Coco huffed, followed by a suck of her teeth. “Yo, are you trying to get paid or what?” “Yeah…whatever,” Nancy responded pouting like a baby. “Girl this shit is a piece of cake,” Coco said as she removed her shirt, followed by her bra revealing her perky breasts that stood at attention.
Nancy wanted to say, “Fuck this shit,” and go home, but she knew her baby would be the only one suffering. That’s the only thing that made her stay. “Okay, get it together girl,” she told herself as she slowly removed her shirt followed by her bra. Due to the fact that she was pregnant, her breasts were much larger than usual. Nancy put on the all white latex glove, and then followed Coco and got straight to work.
“How the fuck could a person smoke this or put this shit in their nose,” Nancy wondered as she placed a small portion of the white powder in a small bag.
* * * *
“Yo you almost ready,” Ali asked as he put on his double shoulder holster. “Yeah, where are we headed” Big Mel asked cracking his knuckles. “We gotta go pick up Little Spanky from the boxing gym. We going out to celebrate since he won his last fight,” Ali answered sliding his twin 9mm’s under his armpit and into the holster. “Yeah he did knock that punk ass white boy the fuck out,” Big Mel added as he checked the baby Uzi he had holstered on his hip. “Yeah I taught that little muthafucka everything he know,” Ali bragged as he and Big Mel stepped outside. “I don’t know, little brother might be able to give the older brother a run for his money now,” Big Mel said playfully as he hopped in the driver seat of the Denali with limo tinted windows. “Get the fuck outta here. I’ll still whip his ass with my eyes closed,” Ali snickered as he slid in the backseat. “Yo get G-money on the phone,” he ordered as he checked his messages on his I-phone.
“Here boss man it’s ringing,” Mel said passing Ali the bum out phone as he stopped at the red light. “Hello?” “What’s the deal my nigga,” G-money’s voiced boom through the phone. “You know the same shit different hour. But what’s been going on with you?” “Making sure mutha fuckas got the count straight and all that. You know I’m all about getting this money. Ain’t no paper out there that I’m scared of,” G-money replied. “That’s what I like to hear. But this faggot, Detective Nelson, is on my fucking back. He’s talking about you bringing in too much heat and fucking up the deal we had.” “Fuck that pale face coward. That clown talking like he’s doing us a favor. He better shut the fuck up. I don’t hear him complaining when he taking our money every month you dig,” G-money huffed before he continued. “Plus I don’t trust that mother fucker, you know how them crackers can get when they get mad? Detectives are worse than a fucking rattle snake, you understand? You my partner, so I’m trusting you know what you’re doing, but I still don’t trust that cock sucker.” “Listen G-money this not a trust issue. What me and Detective Nelson got going on is just Business. We’re going to use this crooked cop until we cant use him no more. I don’t like him either, but our money count has increased forty percent ever since we started dealing with that clown. All I’m saying is just slow down a little and any problems Detective Nelson will handle it. All we gotta do is sit back and get paid.” “I be trying to slow it down, but these clowns be forcing my hand out here. Oh shit guess who I ran into the other day?” “Who,” Ali asked excitedly. “That bitch ass nigga Calvin.” “Say word?” “Yeah I caught that fool slipping. I had to make him bite the bullet, you dig?” “Yeah, yeah I hear you, but you know we don’t talk on the phone like that,” Ali reminded him. “Yeah, you’re right…my fault,” G-money apologized. “But yo, we going to Eugene’s tonight to celebrate. You rolling,” Ali asked. “Oh yeah because Spanky knocked that white boy out, right? Aight, bet I’ll meet ya’ll muthafuckas down there.” “Aight my nigga. See you at the club. One,” Ali said as he flipped the phone close.
For the last eight years Ali and G-money controlled what went on in the streets. But they had been friends for over sixteen years, even though the two were like day and night. Ali was the smoother one and the streets loved him, but on the other hand the streets feared G-money. He was young, loud, wild, and just didn’t give a fuck. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and most off all G-money hated the police and showed them how much every chance he got.
“Yo, pull over right there,” Ali instructed from the backseat. Big Mel did as he was told and parked directly in front of the boxing gym. When the two stepped foot in the boxing gym Ali, and Big Mel saw Spanky going hard with the speed bag.
“What’s up champ,” Ali shouted over the music that blasted throughout the gym and the constant bobbing of the speed bag. “I ain’t the champ yet,” Spanky replied with a smile. “When you gonna get your shot at the title,” Big Mel asked jumping into the conversation. “When I beat these next four chumps they put me up against,” Spanky answered looking at Big Mel never missing a beat on the speed bag. “Don’t you mean if you beat your next four opponents,” Ali corrected his younger brother. “No, when I beat all of them,” Spanky capped back. “Nobody can beat me. I’m the best,” he boasted laughing loudly. “It’s always one person that has your number,” Ali warned. “There’s nobody out there that ca
n fuck with me,” Spanky bragged still working the speed bag. “Whoever can beat me I’ll give them a hundred thousand dollars,” he said nonchalantly as he began doing his sit ups. “Well you know your family will always be in your corner,” Ali stated plainly. “Come on baby, you know I’m a team player when it comes to family,” Spanky said reflecting on when he first started boxing. After Spanky’s fourth professional fight, he gave Ali and G-money twenty four thousand dollars so they could buy a brick (kilo). Once Ali flipped that he made sure he paid his little brother back. Ever since the two were kids they always looked out for one another no matter what it was. The two were inseparable and took a vow that no one or nothing would ever come between them – Ever.
“But yo, Spank, the real reason I came here was because I wanted to talk about you and G-money,” Ali said taking a seat next to his brother. “What about G-money,” Spanky asked puzzled still doing his sit ups. “I noticed you and G-money been hanging out a lot lately.” “Yeah and,” Spanky answered breathing heavily. “Listen G-money is like my brother and all that, but you need to stay focused on boxing.” “But you be with G-money all day,” Spanky protested wiping the sweat from his face with a towel. “I’m a drug dealer and your not! You be with G-money and some shit pop off you’re gonna be right in the middle of that shit. All this hard work will be all for nothing, you dig?” “Yeah I understand,” Spanky huffed. “You right I should watch who I surround myself with.” “That’s all I’m saying, now go shower up so we can be out,” Ali said as he ruffled Spanky’s hair. The last thing Ali wanted was to see his little brother do something stupid and fuck up his whole career. Ali promised himself that no matter what he would keep his little brother on a straight path.
* * * *
“Come on girl, lets get up out of here,” Coco said as she put back on her bra. Nancy couldn’t wait to leave the work place. “I hope the cops don’t run up in here,” kept running through her mind. “Damn this job ain't too bad,” Nancy said to herself as Big Bruce placed cold cash in the middle of her palm for her day’s work.
Coco noticed the look on her best friend’s face as the paper made contact with her hand. “Yeah, don’t front girl is this job the bomb or what?” “Yeah I can’t even front,” Nancy agreed with a huge grin on her face. “You know your girl ain’t gonna put you on to no bullshit,” Coco said in a matter of fact tone as the two made their exit. “We’re going baby shopping first thing in the morning,” Nancy said as her and her best friend stood on the platform waiting for the A train.
* * * *
“Yeah that’s what the fuck I’m talking about,” G-money said admiring all the beautiful women standing on line outside of the club. Every time G-money went to an event, he made sure he always rolled with at least ten thugged out goons, who he paid to take orders. Nine times out of ten, whenever G-money and his entourage stepped in a night spot something was more than likely to jump off.. G-money and his entourage skipped the long line, heading straight for the front entrance.
“Hey guys the line is back here,” a guy wearing a buttoned up shirt with shades yelled from the velvet rope. “Nigga the line is wherever the fuck we say it’s at, mutha fucka,” Butch a former stick up kid and strong arm robber spat as he approached the man standing behind the velvet rope. “Yo chill, leave that clown alone,” Skip chuckled as he threw his arm around G-money’s newest soldier. “Yo Butch chill the fuck out,” G-money yelled over his shoulder. “Damn let us get in the club first before you start acting up,” he said letting out a light huff. “Yo Bobby what’s good? It’s me and ten of my niggas with me,” G-money said giving the bouncer a pound. “Sorry G-money I can’t even let you or your peoples get up in here tonight,” Bobby said folding his arms. “What you mean we can’t get in here,” G-money asked. “Last time I let you and your peoples in here ya’ll tore the fucking place up.” “Dem Queens niggas was up in there fronting. That wasn’t our fault,” G-money protested. “Listen I’ve been given an order not to let you or your people up in here ever again,” Bobby said increasing his tone a little. “Yo Bobby I’m a tell you like this, if me and my people don’t get in this mutha fucka tonight we going to terrorize everybody out here on this line. Now try me if you think I’m playing,” G-money said staring the bouncer down hoping he made a move.
“Hey is there a problem over here,” a uniformed cop asked as he walked up on the scene, noticing a commotion. “Nah these gentlemen were just leaving,” Bobby said as he turned and grinned at G-money. “We ain’t going nowhere,” G-money said as he hogged spit inches away from Bobby’s shoes. “You heard what the man said,” the uniformed cop barked placing his hand on his .357.
Before things got a chance to escalate Ali, Big Mel, and Spanky showed up right on time. “Is there a problem over here,” Ali asked calmly. “The man here asked your friends to leave,” the uniformed cop butted in, still with his hand on his .357. Big Mel stood looking at the uniformed cop, while his hand remained inside his jacket pocket where he had his .380 trained on the cop the whole time. “Yo Bobby you got my word G-money and the boys will be on their best behavior. Give ‘em a pass this time,” Ali said as he shot Bobby a private stare. “Okay, but if ya’ll get into some shit this time it’s a wrap for ya’ll,” Bobby said as he unclamped the barrier.
Once inside Ali and G-money were treated like celebrities. Ali didn’t really care too much for the attention, but G-money, on the other hand, loved being in the spotlight. He lived for the attention. The entourage quickly made their way to the V.I.P section, where they ordered more bottles of Grey Goose then they needed. “Congratulations mutha fucka. All this is for you,” G-money said throwing his arm around Spanky. “All that hard work is finally paying off,” Spanky countered as he watched a pack of beautiful women “Pop lock and drop it.” “You see this, the bullshit I be talking about,” G-money said hotly. “Why the fuck is this big ugly mother fucker staring at me?”
Bobby stood a couple of feet away from G-money and his crew watching their every move. “Damn this nigga on our back, like a cheap suite,” Skip added looking the bouncer up and down. “Listen, we’re not here for him, we came here to celebrate,” Ali reminded everyone. “Let that clown watch us ball out.” “I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m about to hit this dance floor because it’s some bitches in here tonight,” Spanky said as he popped open a bottle of champagne and headed to the dance floor along with G-money, and Skip. The club was jammed packed and jumping as usual. Spanky bumped and brushed pass what felt like a thousand people, before he and the crew finally made it to the dance floor.
Immediately G-money spotted a dark skinned chick with a short hair cut and a pretty face, but what really caught his attention was the young lady’s ass. Her ass was so big that it looked like she had two asses in one. G-money quickly grabbed the dark skinned girl’s wrist and pulled her towards him. The dark skinned girl took one look at G-money and came willingly. She aggressively threw her donkey ass on G-money’s dick and started grinding to the beat. G-money rubbed all over the fat ass that stood in front of him as he got his swerve on.
Once Spanky saw G-money set it off, he immediately grabbed the dark skinned girl’s friend and pulled her towards him. Ali sat in the V.I.P section with Big Mel watching his little brother have a good time, when he noticed a familiar face stroll into the club. “I know that’s not who I think it is,” Ali said to himself as he strained his eyes to get a better look.
Rell stepped into the club looking like new money, with his five man entourage behind him. Ten years ago Rell and his crew had the drug game on lock. A few people even called him the Michael Jordan of crack. His only problem was his temper. Rell was known for getting money and having a quick trigger finger. Rell wasn’t the most attractive brother in the world, but somehow he always kept a bad bitch on his side. Rell made his way straight towards the V.I.P section where Ali and his crew were stationed.
“WOOOOO……,” Big Mel said placing his big paw on Rell’s chest. “Where the fuck you
think you going?” “What?!” Rell countered slapping the big man’s hand down. “Chill Mel, he’s cool let him through,” Ali yelled before Big Mel got ignorant. “Ali what’s popping my nigga,” Rell asked as he gave Ali a pound followed by a hug. “Ain’t shit. When you get out,” Ali asked downing the remainder of his Grey Goose in one gulp. “Them fucking pigs finally let me out yesterday,” Rell answered helping himself to a drink. “You know can’t no jail hold a nigga like me, but fuck all that I hear you the man out here on these streets now, and that punk Gerald oh excuse me I mean G-money. “Yeah me and G-money running the whole show now,” Ali said emptily. “That’s why I came here to talk to you,” Rell said moving his chair closer. “I need to get this money out here. I know I’ve been gone for a while, and I don’t want to cut nobody’s throat. That’s why I’m coming to you first.” “So what did you have in mind,” Ali asked uninterested. “Well it’s too hot for me to be on a block or corner, so I was thinking maybe you could break me off a few housing projects – you know the concrete jungle.” “The concrete jungle, huh,” Ali echoed. “Listen check this out, the best I can do is give you one housing project to run, but the split is gonna have to be fifty, fifty. Now I usually don’t do shit like this, but since you’re an O.G. and you just came home I’m going to look out for you aight. I’m going to have my workers run the shit, so you don’t have to get your hands dirty you dig?” “Thanks, but no thanks. I got my own workers,” Rell said flatly helping himself to another drink. “Well I’m gonna have to have a few of my workers in there to make sure ain’t no funny business going on,” Ali stated plainly. “What you don’t trust the God,” Rell asked defensively. “Fuck trust, this is business. You know how the game goes, Rell, you’re an O.G,” Ali said downing his drink only to fill his glass right back to the top. “Yeah, I forgot you learned from the best,” Rell chuckled as he noticed G-money step into the V.I.P section followed by his goons.